For once we've done a website for ourselves! Not web design this time - but…
Free SSL certificates, why wouldn’t you!
What is SSL? It’s the mechanism of making your web site secure; the little green padlock that appears in your browser. It basically means passwords, personaly data, etc your web site asks for are sent across the Internet encrypted rather than viewable to hackers. It also impacts your Google ranking.
Regardless of the type of website, major browsers will soon start
showing warning messages for sites that don’t have SSL.
We’ve already raised this in our previous post on Google Chrome warning, discussed the impact this can now have on your Google ranking and discussed the fact that there is a move to make all web sites secure with SSL.
So what are we doing to help you?
In a bid to encourage all our customers to move to SSL we have now integrated our web hosting control panel with the free SSL certificate service Let’s Encrypt so you can install a free, basic and no-nonsense SSL certificate on your web site in just a few minutes. Enabling SSL is now free and easy. Simply login in to your web hosting control panel and then, under “Advanced Features” click “SSL Certificates”. Select “Free & automatic certificate from Let’s Encrypt“, enter your email address, click “Save” and you’re done. It’s that simple!
What’s the down side? None really; this basic certificate enables encryption and therefore secures all content between the browser and your web site. However, if you want features such as:
- Extended browser compatibility
- Wild card certificates
- Full business validation
- Warranty
- SSL technical support
you’ll need to purchase a certificate, such as the very competive GeoTrust certificates that we offer.
What if I want a more advanced / fully featured SSL certificate?
Simple. Head over to our SSL certificate store, select the type of certificate you would like and purchase it on line. Or if you’re not sure just drop us a line via our contact page and we’ll help you identify the best value product for your purpose, purchase and install it for you.
So given SSL is now free and simple why wouldn’t you secure your web site today!
Further reading:
Life Is About to Get a Whole Lot Harder for Websites Without HTTPS
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